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Worldwide Institute for Bigfoot and Hominoid News, Research, and Investigation

The Bigfoot Brand

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Performing Yoga
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Performing Yoga
Excerpt: Oster put on a Bigfoot costume, posed for more photos as he baked in the remodeled kitchen, lounged in one of the five bedrooms, and gently clipped azaleas on the 0.7-acre estate. As he always does, he promoted the listing on social media and the gimmick caught fire. There have been 650,000 views on Zillow since the property at 5649 Hillside Dr. in Felton was put up for sale on May 14.

California broker hopes Bigfoot can help sell $1M house broker hopes Bigfoot can help sell $1M house

Daniel Oster of Coldwell Banker Realty poses for a home listing photo. Photo by John Dressler provided by Coldwell Banker Realty

Coldwell Banker Realty agent Daniel Oster did all of the customary work to market a high-end property in California’s Santa Cruz Mountains. He hired a photographer to take magazine-quality twilight shots and aerial images.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot in Bedroom
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot in Bedroom

But Oster still needed to find the missing link between standard marketing and something that would stand out.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot on Conference Call
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot on Conference Call

Then inspiration bolted out of the wild.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot in Workshop
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot in Workshop

Oster put on a Bigfoot costume, posed for more photos as he baked in the remodeled kitchen, lounged in one of the five bedrooms and gently clipped azaleas on the 0.7-acre estate.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Pruning Flowers
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Pruning Flowers

As he always does, he promoted the listing on social media and the gimmick caught fire.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Drinking from a Fountain
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Drinking from a Fountain

There have been 650,000 views on Zillow since the property at 5649 Hillside Dr. in Felton was put up for sale on May 14.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Reading in the Living Room
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Reading in the Living Room

“No one thinks Bigfoot is real, but there is a kitschy Bigfoot Discovery Museum in town,” said Oster, explaining what prompted the 6-foot-tall real estate agent to order a furry costume.

Carlos at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, CA 2019
Carlos at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, CA 2019

In almost 18 years of being successful at selling real estate, this is the first time he went yeti.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Heading Off to Work
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot Heading Off to Work

Oster’s goal: To make people laugh and maybe buy the property for $999,000.

Daniel Oster as Bigfoot on Deck with Paper and Coffee
Daniel Oster as Bigfoot on Deck with Paper and Coffee

— The Oregonian

A friend of mine recently shared this with me. At first, I didn’t know why, as I was not in the market for a new home (nor will I ever be unless I hit the lottery or something). But then, as I scrolled down through the standard images of the kitchen, the bathroom, the dining room, etc. I started coming across these images and starting laughing!

Then I realized that this isn’t the first time that Bigfoot has been used as a marketing or advertising brand. Jack Links Jerky has basically made it synonymous with their products. There have been Bigfoot pizzas, Sasquatch soaps, beers, school supplies, etc. that have used Bigfoot to help sell their products. Bigfoot is one hell of a brand!

I hope that someone buys this house and has some Bigfoot adventures of their own. It looks like the current owner is a fan (Look closely at the picture of the house below and note the “Bigfoot” brand on the camper!) 


Picture of chroniclesofcarlos


Are Bigfoot real? Yes, they are! I investigate, create, and share mainstream educational content, Bigfoot and related phenomena, and the scientific methods and principles that corroborate our stories. I have lived and traveled all over North America, Europe, and Africa, have had encounters with Bigfoot and UFOs in North America, and have even had an NDE in Africa. Education: BA and MA in Biological Anthropology Languages: English and Spanish Career: Certified Coach and Teacher, Licensed Entrepreneur Passions: coaching, mentoring, learning, teaching, coaching; the sciences, and cryptozoology Subjects: The Sciences, Cryptozoology

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Are Bigfoot real? Yes, they are!

I investigate, create, and share mainstream educational content, Bigfoot encounters and other mysteries, mythologies, and legends of the unknown, and the scientific methods and principles that corroborate our stories.

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